Friday, September 16, 2011

Welcome to the Jungle...#NYC

Moon over 34th St.
I don’t know if it’s hit me yet…I MOVED TO NEW YORK!!!! (Well, I live in New Jersey, but for those who live here or have spent any time here we know it’s ALL the same.)

Wow, I have been trying to get here for God knows how long. Truth be told, I wanted to come here right after college. That was back when I wanted to work on The Today Show, organizing the Toyota Concert Series, when Katie Couric was still there. Yes, I wanted to take on the Big Apple back then, pre-9/11 days when “the jungle” was at its best, but as circumstances would have it (specifically not knowing how to deal with the physical mutation I was experiencing i.e. the loss of my hair)…I didn’t make it. (I’m sure that some of you reading this are questioning why or how the loss of my hair could affect me in such a way…you’ll have to go back and read the first blog entry.)

Oh but now!!!!! I AM NOT MY HAIR…in fact, not having it is apparently REALLY working for me (*take that, take that, take that*). 

So, I’ve been here a week and I feel so at home. That’s why I say I don’t think it’s hit me yet. I have been blessed to have a smooth transition in this move of faith and pursuit of passion. I have a great support system that has opened up their homes, hearts, and network to help propel me forward. I don’t know what I’m looking for to happen exactly for it to “hit me”; maybe it will be one of those snow storms that will inevitably make their way here sooner than my Florida wardrobe is ready for. *rubs hands together* BRING – IT – ON!

I have spent a lot of time getting to know my surroundings and finding my local “life enhancing” facilities…i.e. Wal-Mart, Target, Grocery Stores, Gas Stations, TJ Maxx, Ross…and of course the Train Station. The thing that I love the most is that the foot traffic up here is a way of life and not a consequence of not having transportation so I will take to the pavement here for distances that I wouldn’t dream of walking in Florida. Oh and the “joy” of learning the subway system…let’s just say thank God I have a nice smile otherwise my simple trip downtown to Penn Station could have easily turned into an uptown trip to Harlem. But in my defense from Columbus Circle you’re taking the 1 Train either way…you just better have that whole ‘which side of the street to catch the train on’ thing down.

2 of the jobs that I applied for here prior to my move I didn’t get, but it’s all good. I am more confident that the right opportunities will come my way. I won’t give up, because I know that if I don’t quit I’ll win.

And listen to this anyway…

True story, when I decided that I was going to go for it and move up here within 24 hours of my laying out my plan I received an email from someone that I worked with on an event last year asking me if I could work with him on some upcoming projects. I had not heard from this person in months and in a way that only God could’ve orchestrated he contacted me. We were able to connect recently and work on an event for Fashion Week after which we sat down for a quick “so how’ve you been” session and, again in a way that only God could orchestrate, he says… “I need an Event Manager on my team…blah, blah, blah…and it’s paid…blah, blah, blah…would you be interested?” In my head I was having what Oprah often refers to as a “Hallelujah moment” but in my professional, southern girl way I said “well of course, but only because you’re my friend” complete with a wink. Yes, it’s on! This is only the beginning, but the hustle to “make it in the city” is on. Welcome to the Jungle baby!

Tammi Roman at the B. Abiye Spring Preview
I left Florida with an optimistic mindset that as I continued to pursue my purpose in complete trust that God would allow all of the right doors to open then everything I needed would be available to me. And of course I was holding onto that line from The Alchemist – “when you truly want something the universe conspires together to help you achieve it”. And the past month and a half has truly been evidence of that. I could not make this stuff up. Yet again, I am in no way confused that this is the promise that ‘your gift will make room for you’.
Sheree Whitfield at the B. Abiye Spring Preview

I am so blessed, but I know that it’s only because I trust God beyond what I can see. At times uneasy, but in those times convinced that I am on the right path. As I’m stretched and shaped into the great being that I was created to be I remain conscious that my life has a purpose.