Friday, November 12, 2010

Great Expectations

After last week’s post many of my friends, supporters, and followers took action and began to make their own declarations. It was humbling and inspiring to see others charging their atmosphere with the power of their words. I salute you all! And, I admonish anyone who has yet to employ the principle of commanding your destiny to START NOW!

In a recent conversation with a friend I was reminded of another foundational truth about the power that we posses. He said to me “I realized through your declaration that I can declare something all day, but if I don’t expect it to happen…the declaration is ineffective.”  

So you’ve made your declaration…but are you expecting it to happen?!?!?!

To make a declaration and not expect it to come to fruition is like walking around pregnant and not expecting to give birth. Just as a woman’s womb is impelled to contract at the time of birthing, your atmosphere is mandated to push forth your destiny when you command it with expectancy! *Queue the band, R. Kelly sings….If I can see it, then I can do it. If I just believe it, there’s nothing to it…*

If you don’t EXPECT greatness, it won’t ever come. Again, God is responsive…NOT reactive.

If you need some inspiration, this is my Mantra:

The contractions have started. I feel the pressure of the birthing of a new me...As my labor pangs increase and the pains of purpose and promise bear down on my womb to birth out my destiny...I encourage you to see me for who I am becoming and not for who I am now; for if you look too closely at MY NOW you won't recognize ME later.

***Please share your declarations below. You never know how your determination could inspire others to lay claim to their life. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What Are You Saying?

 “Watch your words; they become actions.” ~ Unknown

One of the biggest downfalls people have is not realizing how much power we possess to command our destiny.  We have reduced to mere cliché the foundational proverb that Death and Life are in the power of the tongue…’ (Prov. 18:21 - KJV). And for those of us who are fully aware that our words have power, rarely do we use it.

Two weeks ago I committed to making a daily declaration for the remainder of the year. Every day for 75 days I was to devote one Facebook Status and one Twitter post (also known as a 'tweet' for the Twitter challenged *giggles*) to releasing into the atmosphere a demonstration of the power of words. On that first week, everyday, before I did anything else...I posted and tweeted my declaration.

The first week was absolutely awesome. Despite personal challenges I maintained a calming peace. I was victorious in most things, and for the things that didn’t quite turn out the way that I had hoped I was able to realize they were not a part of “the plan”. 


Much like I had the week prior, I woke up and fell into my routine. The only difference was that I said I was not going to post or tweet all day on that Monday. #EPICFAIL!

Can I just tell you that no matter how many cups of coffee I had, jovial songs I listened to, or friends I reached out to...the day was a mess! I was all over the place. Unfocused. Emotional. I just could not get it together. (Sounds kinda like PMS huh?) I needed “Coach” to pull me aside and give me a pep talk
for real!

Immediately I realized that this experience was a lesson. It wasn't punishment for not making the declaration, it was affirmation that WE HAVE THE POWER TO SET OUR ATMOSPHERE. What you release is what you get back. In my case I released nothing so I got nothing...I was stuck in the Twilight Zone somewhere between hope and despair.

Too often we reject rather than affirm, speaking negatively - what we can’t do, what we don’t have, who we can’t be. We toss around “impossibilities” as though they’re candy at a parade, but rarely do we take a stance to speak affirmatively in Faith and invoke the universe to action. God is responsive not reactive.
So with just shy of 60 days remaining in 2010 I challenge you to make a daily declaration that will awaken your destiny from its comatose state.

It's simple... What are you saying?