The other day in my "FaceBook Annual Review" I came across something very profound. So much so that I have spent the last few days really considering the words and the weight of their truth. Joel Osteen wrote the following in one of his daily devotions:
Choose Your Friends Wisely
“…Do not throw your pearls before swine” (Matthew 7:6, NAS).
Do you realize you have treasure on the inside of you? You could say that your pearls are what God has given you to be a blessing to the world around you—your gifts..., talents and abilities. When you get around true friends, people who really believe in you, they won’t be jealous of your gifts. They won’t constantly question who you are. They won’t try to talk you out of your dreams. It will be just the opposite. They’ll help you polish your pearls, develop your pearls, enhance your pearls, and grow your pearls. In other words, they’ll give you ideas. They’ll connect you with people they know. They’ll help push you further along. If you stay around people who don’t value your gifts nor appreciate what you have to offer, that’s casting your pearls among swine. Your inner circle, those who are closest to you, should be people who celebrate who you are; people who are happy when you succeed. They should be people who believe the very best in you. Remember, it’s not the quantity of friends that’s important, it’s the quality of friends. Choose your friends wisely so you can be all that God has called you to be.
WOW! Right?
I just want to acknowledge the fact that being able to have support from those who truly value you and your being is essential in this life. It's not just cliche to say "no man is an island", we truly cannot survive in this life alone. I have been blessed with some of the greatest people in my circle (so much so I have to ask myself at times what did I do to deserve such favor). It is because of my friends and those that have truly supported me that I have been able to maintain my sanity at times. It is because of my friends who have "called me on the carpet" and held me accountable for my words and actions that I have been able to deal with issues and become a better me.
Thank you to each of you (I dare not mention names for fear of leaving one of the five of you out. LOL) Please know that I love you and appreciate you more than I could ever express. Whether I've known you a lifetime or 6months, 10 years or since I was 10, met you in school or in cyberspace, spend holidays with you or worship with you...God couldn't have blessed me with a better system of support.